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Monday, April 30, 2012

Unexpected gathering with alvin the busy guy!

It was a raining morning for a start but one the rain settle down, i decided to go for a quick run but it end up to be a 10km run! lol. anw, i decided to head down to DNA bridge to try out night photography since i had never really done it before.

So on my way down to city hall, i check my FB as usual and saw alvin fb post and decided to ask where is he and he told me he is in ntu lab?!?!? lol. so i told him i going to DNA bridge for night photography and guess what? he actually brought his 550D to school so that night time he could go out for photography too! ahhaha! so i jio him to come find me so we could catch up and play with our 550D and supper too.

end up he only reach by 9pm so we hang around that area for like another hour before heading to the merlion while we sat down the the "lion" and chat for awhile. We chat about how our life is now and what is our goal and vision in the future. it was a great catching up indeed! at about 10.30pm, we head over to MAC at marina square for supper while we chat even more.

I tell him about how i feel alot of potential talents in singapore is actually wasted just because we try to cap only top 30% of our student to be admitted into uni. Singapore population is already small and by capping it at only 30%, the amount of local professional will be even smaller and may not be enough to supply for our own economy. Then end up we have to hire so call foreign talent to filled up the slot. So to sum it up, i feel that there is actually more than enough talents in Singapore to be trained as professional but our current education system is the one that control our numbers! I know our education system had always been one of the best in the world but as time goes, thing have change, so even the best system have to change too.... there is no such need for a over haul but a change is definitely needed! not for me since it is too late but i am thinking for my children next time. Muggign and test result should not longer be the key to determining our talents. We should scape more exam and test and focus more on project work and critical thinking since these are more realistic in the future work life. I could still remember how PW during JC really taught me alot of team works and stuff. we should have more of these and remove more exams. GOOD RESULTS DUN MEAN A GOOD LEADER!

okok, enough of my rattling, here is some photos that i took on DNA bridge. Alvin told me that the colour is so rich so i should not turn it into black and white but these are the reason why i change it to monochrome! LOL!!

This is the only colour photo that i think deserve to be shown! LoL!

edited: i just realize the quality of the photos really dropped alot when i resize it. the original were much sharper and clearer. lol.

ANW! after these few weeks of taking photos regularly, i felt that photography is really about whether are u able to foresee the image before taking them. I took over 20 images but end up with only 5 good one. hope i will be able to improve more next time:) Black and White still ROCKS! LOL!

A trip down to JB with Samsung!

I just realize we did not take any photos together as a group! hahah!

ANW! last Sunday we went down to JB city square for a gathering of our samsung gang! We met at woodland interchange first inorder to take bus 950 together over to JB. ALthough it was sunday but the bus was not very crowded which feel very weird since it was always crowded during weekend!

i finally know why....

Almost half of City Square is current under renovation so a lot of shop is currently closed! it was certainly a disheartening sight to be so excited to go shopping but end up with almost everything closed! lol. But that did not stop us from having a great catching up time!

we went over to kim gary HK cafe for lunch together! It was a great meal plus chat with the gang! I ordered the combo grilled set which includes a variety of food meat with dessert and soup and drinks! here is the photos:) oh ya! we ordered 2 basket of fries too! lol.

The food sure look yummy right! ate until damn full! hhhahha! i guess my 15km run clocked over the weekend is practically wasted! lol.

after food we went shopping. Lydia and shu xian went to shop their own girls stuff while roger and me went to shop our own stuff! we never buy any things for ourselves but instead but a small pressie for our gf. lol! We shopped from like 4pm until 6pm and was soon bored cause most shop are closed from renovation. Thus we went over to MaryBrown for dinner!

I ordered two piece meal but it taste like normal chicken that you can find anywhere in singapore western stall. lol. but their place got swing as their chair.

ANW! the catch up was certainly good while we share our story with each other. it was good that even after so many years, we still dun feel like stranger even when we never meet so so long. is like the moment we met we just start crapping! lol. hope our friendship will stay this good always! CHEERS!

Roger: please go get a TAN somehow! lol! and as long as you did not obtain 9min 40sec for 2.4km, you are consider slow to me! WAHAHAH

Shu Xian: maybe it is time for you to change your hairstyle! lol. and please got get a specs! hahaha!

Lydia: we really feel sorry to hear such a news from you but we are sure you will deserve someone much better than him! cheer up and move on and soon you will see that your life is much better without him. maybe you will even find someone even better than him soon:) you still have friend like the samsung peeps:) ( ALthough roger scold you WHAT A BAITCH)    HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Life as a intern II

Oh no... in less than a month time i will have to hand in my final report all done up and neatly filed! so right now my report is only about 50% done and my log book is behind by one month. HAIZ!!!

These few week all i have been doing is clearing boxes for the project leader. Although the project leader do try his best to explain the machine to me and i fully understand but i still feel like a cheap labor:( So every morning at about 9am i will go down to the workshop and start clearing the boxes that the machine had produce, load the parts into the machine and wait to take out the boxes again. i will repeat this cycle until about 12 before finally i can rest and have lunch and then i will start again at 1pm and work til 4pm:( serious cheap tired...

But i guess i do learned something new during this period of hard labor. I learn about FAT and SAT during the last phase of machine designing and manufacturing. I also learned about how testing the machine could also be a really tedious task!! I guess what they say about sometime all you have to do is to observe how things work instead of just waiting for people to teach you and i am glad i like observing things. lol.

Oh ya! the bus is like 25mins late and i almost took a taxi to work. so we only reach the office by 7.40am which i feel is actually a good timing since i do not need to waste time rotting in office and wait for work to start at 7.45am! i hope bus will always be late. HAHAHA

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Life Around my block II

 Hello!!! i reached home usually about 6pm and i was suppose to go for a short run but today at home was like crazy, i totally felt like i am a cheap labor being hired at $800 a month to clear I had been clearing boxes the whole day and each time i had to lift like 10KG of big boxes so when i end work, i was dead tired. So i decided to go for a short walk around my block again to take more photos:)

So what you all think about it? good? bad? need any improvement? please do share with your friends if you think it is good ok? :)

Life as a intern

Today is april 26 which mean that in a few weeks time and i will be working as a intern for more than four months! Time really flies if we are not keeping track of it. I still remember the first day when i was late by nearly an hour since my work start at 7.45am in tuas and i lived in hougang. I practically took the first train but was still late cause of the outrageous traffic condition in jurong area!

So what i got to say about my life as a intern? Firstly, WHY DO I HAVE TO PAY SCHOOL FEE OF $3000 WHEN I DID NOT ATTEND SCHOOL DURING IA! or i do not need to pay? please enlighten me!

Anw! the life as a intern is practically like a roller coaster. there is up and down, sometime you will be very free when no one need you but sometime you just have to work like a robot when they really need you. I would say in all work life, it is the company of pals around you that matter. For my case i am really not that happy about it. You know the feeling when you first enter a new class and you do not know anyone? that is exactly the feeling! most of the engineer there are like at least 5 to 10 years older than me. I cant click with them at all... They talk about their children in school, they complain about their in laws, they complain this other girl in HR wearing short skirts. It is all stuff that is still early for me to join in the discussion.

Sometime it feel really hard that i do not have anyone to talk to during work as i am mostly alone, i mean i cant just talk to my senior who is 35 years old and tell him that diablo 3 is out this may. you get what i mean? Every time i talk to them is just about work related stuff or when i need their help in some stuff. To make thing worse, i feel like i am the outcast in the department. There is more foreigners than locals in the company so end up they are forming clique and talk about stuff which only they know.

so at the end of the day, work life to me is about self survival. you have to cover your own back since there seem to be no longer any friendship between everyone. people just want to do better than everyone else to get promoted first.

i guess the only true friend are those we have when we are still young and innocent. shall continued reading my lightroom book and write my log book too!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Black & White again!

Recently I have been reading up books on adobe lightroom and i must say it is very helpful! I always though photoshop is the only platform to adjust photos until i read it on a photo mag that lightroom is good for managing photos. the best part is it is not exp at all! a student edition only cost $100 plus!

anw, i am currently learning about adjusting exposure and tone and i have been playing around with black and white photography. My dream in the beginning was actually to make this blog into a black and white photography blog but it fail but i shall not give up! heh!

shall show you all more samples! those black n white photos in blog entry LIFE AROUND MY BLOCK is also done in lightroom!

 The art science museum! the lats time i went is for titanic with my gf. shall go again soon for Andy Warhol!

 I think this photo look like those magazine shot which have those artist impression. lol

All these photos are old photo that i took last time but i feel that monochrome will make it look nicer?

Diablo III

I am sure alot of fan who sued to play diablo 2 a decade ago will be really excited this 15 may when diablo 3 will finally hit the store! I used to play diablo 2 alot with my brother too 10 years ago and i must say back then this is THE BOMB! The game play was really amazing but the best part got to be the option to customize your very own weapon set! But after diablo 2 was out, it had really been too long for the next episode! 10 YEARS is seriously abit to much to ask for. for a moment i almost forgot i used to be a diablo fan.

Last weekend they decided to have a open beta for 3 days to try out a stress test on the sever so i finally got a chance to try it out after waiting for 10 years. the client was huge as usual, 15GB! i spend few hours downloading it and finally it was done. I run it on my new asus lappy and it work perfectly! able to run it at good fps even when i set everything to HIGH graphic. Just glad that my new lappy is able to support new games.

However, i got mix feeling about this game. Firstly, the beta was rather short so i dun have a chance to try out everything. Alot of things have change like the skill tree and point is not gone. Now when you reach a level, you will automatically get that skill and is up to use to choose which one to use. so you will get 6 sets of skill in total and in each set u will have many skills unlocked at different level. To top it off, you cannot upgrade your skill like last time.

I am still not sure if you can upgrade your weapon in diablo 3 yet since i only get to play like the first few chapter. They still have normal weapon, magic weapon and secret rare EQ. Those rare EQ need you to identify them like last time but in diablo 3, you just need to click on it and wait for like 4 second and you will identify it. kinda lame i think. But i certainly like the town portal skill. In the past you will have to carry town portal around but this time round, it is a skill everyone have, you just need to click on it and wait without moving, pretty neat huh? This also mean you can run from monster and set up portal at the same time. GLUP! Oh ya! there is this blacksmith that will destroy your magic weapon for you and forge a new magic weapon of your choice so guy, PLEASE KEEP ALL YOUR MAGIC WEAPON.

Overall the game play is still the same, you run, he slack and she kill. It is still as addictive as i spend my weekend training my demon hunter til the max level cap in Beta. Just pre-order a copy of it so shall see how is the rest of the game gonna be on 15 may! is a nice timing to be released since i am still in HOLIDAY!!!!!