So on my way down to city hall, i check my FB as usual and saw alvin fb post and decided to ask where is he and he told me he is in ntu lab?!?!? lol. so i told him i going to DNA bridge for night photography and guess what? he actually brought his 550D to school so that night time he could go out for photography too! ahhaha! so i jio him to come find me so we could catch up and play with our 550D and supper too.
end up he only reach by 9pm so we hang around that area for like another hour before heading to the merlion while we sat down the the "lion" and chat for awhile. We chat about how our life is now and what is our goal and vision in the future. it was a great catching up indeed! at about 10.30pm, we head over to MAC at marina square for supper while we chat even more.
I tell him about how i feel alot of potential talents in singapore is actually wasted just because we try to cap only top 30% of our student to be admitted into uni. Singapore population is already small and by capping it at only 30%, the amount of local professional will be even smaller and may not be enough to supply for our own economy. Then end up we have to hire so call foreign talent to filled up the slot. So to sum it up, i feel that there is actually more than enough talents in Singapore to be trained as professional but our current education system is the one that control our numbers! I know our education system had always been one of the best in the world but as time goes, thing have change, so even the best system have to change too.... there is no such need for a over haul but a change is definitely needed! not for me since it is too late but i am thinking for my children next time. Muggign and test result should not longer be the key to determining our talents. We should scape more exam and test and focus more on project work and critical thinking since these are more realistic in the future work life. I could still remember how PW during JC really taught me alot of team works and stuff. we should have more of these and remove more exams. GOOD RESULTS DUN MEAN A GOOD LEADER!
okok, enough of my rattling, here is some photos that i took on DNA bridge. Alvin told me that the colour is so rich so i should not turn it into black and white but these are the reason why i change it to monochrome! LOL!!
This is the only colour photo that i think deserve to be shown! LoL!
edited: i just realize the quality of the photos really dropped alot when i resize it. the original were much sharper and clearer. lol.
ANW! after these few weeks of taking photos regularly, i felt that photography is really about whether are u able to foresee the image before taking them. I took over 20 images but end up with only 5 good one. hope i will be able to improve more next time:) Black and White still ROCKS! LOL!