i may not be the first, but i am sure i wont be the last to laugh at the latest iphone 5!
so on 12 september 2012, APPLE decided to release its latest product, the new iphone 5. so whats is its new specification?
- 18 percent thinner (0.30 inch vs. 0.37 inch thick) than the iPhone 4S.
- 20 percent lighter for a total of 3.95 ounces.
- Retina Display expands from 3.5 inches (its size since the original iPhone) to 4 inches.
- total pixel count is 1,136x640 and now have a 16:9 aspect ratio.
- 44 percent more color saturation than on the iPhone 4S.
- an A6 chip, which is two times faster than the current A5 chip
-More battery life?
- and a new smaller connector port they call lightning.
- that all? are u kidding me?
i am not an apple fan but i am always on a look out for functions or device that can improve productivity in life. in our fast pace world, being able to work fast and smart mean earning an edge over the rest. in the past, APPLE had been impressive with its functions and style that allow users to use their phone easily. But of course, they limit what you can do with your phones too.
I just learn in school that as our get complicated, so does our chance of error with the device increase. so apple counter this by limiting the user what they can do with the phone. in the end, user can really do much customization and everyone end up with a similar iphone. no style! which is why i choose the "green robot"!
ANW! so if we look closely at the new iphone 5, you will see that the main improvement is just the specification. better speed,better camera, better siri, better this and that. WAIT! so where is the WOW factor? there is really none actually... there is no new functions in the phone at all that make me excited. and it look exactly the same as iphone 4s just that it is now longer. As a matter of fact, i would feel iphone 4s is more impressive with its new siri function. ok, they have this new map apps that is suppose to get APPLE away from google map and it have turn by turn NAV. come on APPLE, there are tons of apps in the market now that can do that and it only cost less than $20.
if you do not get what i mean by WOW factors, please do go youtube and search for samsung NOTE 2 video. you will totally understand my feeling.
sorry APPLE, you had failed again in pulling me over to your side with those crappy product. for now, NOTE 2 is what i am really looking for!