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Monday, August 13, 2012

school is starting~~~~~ AGAIN!


for alot of people who shared the same fate of having to serve a certain organization for 2 years, we have to bear the pain of looking at our same age friend grad for the past few years. Those photos of happily smiling people throwing up and down their hats just keep appearing on our FB and we cant helped but wondered, WHAT ARE WE STILL LOOKING AND CAMPING AT STAR PLANNER!

oh well, no one to turned our time backward so we might as well just looked into our future and planned our next chess move. The timer is clicking and life is a round of blitz chess! SO! today is the first day of school for alot of us, some had monday off but mine is on friday!!! for the first time in my NTU life, i had a day off! a 4 day work week! but that came with a expense of having a packed timetable for the other 4 days!

I had a total of 23 AUs for this sem, 7 exams and a FYP to do! that is justtttttt HORRIBLE! only had myself to blame for not planning my life well in the past but i shall try everything i can to make sure i ace this sem!

another thing to ace  will be my long overdue weight control planning! omg! i felt sorry for myself whenever i saw old photos of myself with those abs. HAIZ! BUT! since today is a new start, i shall just start my weight control from this day! :) *oh wait, i just bought a bunch of junks from NTUC ytd, what to do about it?*

pageant training starts today but i wont be able to make it for these 2 days. i guess i will just drop by on wednesday then! provided people i know are going too!

So everyone! lets make our days much better by planning ahead for tomorrow!

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