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Friday, August 31, 2012

School Life I

School have started for about 3 weeks by now and it had been one of my most busiest time ever!

firstly due to the outrageous amount of AU i have left and secondly cause of the UOC Pageant 2012. I have been trainign with the jnr almost every night til about 10pm before leaving NTU. since i stay in hougang, i usually only reach home by 12 midnight! and this is...TIRING!!!! but oh well, all these crazy training is gonna end tomorrow since it is the event day already!

so what can i say about it!

As i was in the pageant 3 years ago too thus i felt a need for me to help out at least once before i grad. Thus i decided to help out with the designing of their logo, ticket, backdrop and posters. It was the first time i have to handle all the promotional material on my own and it can be very hectic as i have no experience in this field. But i did have a strong interest in it! so in the end i still managed to pull it off but i was really worried that the results was not good and people might not be happy about my design!

the jnr this years was rather lively and fun to be around with, it was enjoyable to train them as most of them do listen well and change the way they do certain things like poses and walk. I can only wish them all the best to them tomorrow since it will be their stage and show!

So after all these is over, i will finally be able to spend more times on my study and my gf who i had neglected for the past few weeks:((( SORRRYYYYY~~~

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